Jul 032011

(hat-tip Angirfan)

A million people demonstrate in Tripoli (over 10% of the entire population) – Deafening silence from the Western MSM – apart from the odd allegation of “punishment for refusing to attend a pro-gaddafi rally” – naturally.

Watch the video and ask yourself: if this had been in support of the rebels – those largely ‘al-qaeda’ inspired fundamentalists latterly fighting the US and UK military in Iraq and Afghanistan – how would the Western MSM respond?

Gaddafi challenges Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama to switch on their television sets and see who has mass support in Libya. He says they are delusional and have entered a war they can never win.

Full transcript translation of Gaddafi’s speech follows the video.

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Translation of Gaddafi’s address follows:

“If you continue targeting our houses, then we can do the same because Europe is not far away – but let’s not do this – just watch the crowds and learn. They are not here because I ordered them; they are here of there own free will. In this war, you are not facing me, you are facing these crowds. I am nothing. If you want peace with Libyans, then learn from these crowds.

If you want anything, negotiate with these people. The regime is not the Gaddafi regime; it is the Libyan regime. Even if many got scared, defected or escaped, the Libyans will remain and each coward will be replaced with a hero.

Is it democracy to bomb civilians?. We don’t want a democracy imposed with bombs. The socialist Jamahyria will win; the REAL democracy which serves the people.

I advise you to stop bombing and stop acting as the mercenaries for a few rebels. The Libyans are making it clear; they marched; their tribes made it clear that the future is for Libyans, the oil is for Libya; Libya is ours.

You are delusional; a group of traitors who convinced yourselves that Libya is easy to defeat. You hired mercenaries, produced propaganda and waged psychological war that prevented you from making any progress on the ground.

Turn on your TV’s and watch the longest Libyan flag – 4.5 Km. I didn’t make this flag. People donated to make this flag. The rebels are no different from those who betrayed Libya during the Italian invasion.

Libyan people, go in millions without weapons to liberate the regions under rebel control. You – Libyan people – are the only ones who can finish this war with a victory. If they want to negotiate then we welcome that; otherwise we are continuing and they will lose no matter how many weapons are dropped by parachute to the rebels.

We will NOT betray our history nor our children and their future. The glory is for you brave Libyans. The struggle will continue”

Speech ends.

 Posted by at 7:18 am

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