Mar 272011

By Dianna Johnson Reason Number One: Regime change. This was announced as the real objective the moment French president Nicolas Sarkozy took the extraordinary step of recognizing the rebels in Benghazi as “the only legitimate representative of the Libyan people”. This recognition was an extraordinary violation of all diplomatic practice and principles. It meant non-recognition of the existing Libyan government and its institutions, which, contrary to the magical notions surrounding the word “dictator”, cannot be reduced to the personality of one strongman. A major European nation, France, swept aside all those institutions to proclaim that an obscure group of rebels in a traditionally rebellious part ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:49 am
Mar 232011

  Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive. Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot not be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognizing the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible. Yet ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 10:13 am
Mar 232011
Israel’s Hidden Faces : A Long Day’s Night for Us All

from My Catbird Seat Why Do Most Americans Know Nothing About These Issues — Dr Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a 1986 graduate of the US Army War College. This is not intended for those who follow these issues, but as a primer  for a general public (especially Americans) who do not follow them, and in fact are not even aware that they are issues!  Hoping that others may also find useful material in it. Far too often, issues involving Israel and its actions are addressed in a sophisticated and complex manner, often with little or ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:58 am
Mar 182011

By Felicity Arbuthnot. “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.” – George Orwell. The bombing of Libya will begin on or nearly to the day, of the eighth anniversary of the beginning of the destruction of Iraq, 19th March, in Europe. Libya too will be destroyed – its schools, education system, water, infrastructure, hospitals, municipal buildings. There will be numerous “tragic mistakes”, “collateral damage”, mothers, fathers, children, babies, grandparents, blind and deaf schools and on and on. And the wonders of the Roman remains and earlier, largely enduring and revered in all history’s ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 12:18 pm
Feb 252011

Source Mondoweiss by Seham on February 24, 2011 If he wasn’t he would be analyzing the events in the region and scrambling desperately to make peace with surrounding Arab countries.  Instead, since the fall of Ben Ali and Mubarak and now the impending fall of Qadhafi the world is witnessing increased brutality and cruelty by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people, in particular the last few weeks Israelis have targeted children which they are harassing and arresting at alarming rates.  But, aside from this inhuman treatment of young children the pace at which Palestinians are displaced from their homes has not slowed down, see ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:44 pm
Feb 192011
Fancy becoming a US Air Force Cyber-Troll?

The following is the full text of a US Air Force ‘Business Opportunitity’ solicitation that appeared on the FedBizOpps site in mid-February 2011. It is for the supply of software that will allow nominated personal to adopt multiple cyber-identities and facilitate IP masking and other sophisticated methods of  coordinating and hiding false indentities  when accessing internet sites. If you run or make use of sites that are vaguely critical of ‘The Official Narrative’ of anything and everything – or is otherwise deemed (in the infinate wisdom of the US Air Force and other such experts in these matters) threatening to their vision of  reality, then ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 8:23 am
Feb 182011
Raymond Davis Affair: Deeper than you think - and profound repercussions

Original article: The Islamabad Globe – 14 February 2011 Undoubtedly this is the biggest scandal in US Foreign relations since the US was shot down by the Soviets in the sixties. Then, as now, both sides played out the drama in an iterative manner–neither side letting the other know how much they know. There are clear indications that there is much more to the “Raymond Davis” affair than the Pakistanis are letting on. THis isn’t about murder and diplomatic immunity. This is mush bigger. Something is very wrong with this picture, and Islamabad is tight lipped because it now has concrete evidence that Mr “Raymond ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 1:04 pm
Dec 012010
Poll - Iran Nukes Positive for ME

For those whose understanding of the world is moulded and shaped by the Western mainstream media, this poll will likely come as a bit of a shock; and especially so in light of MSM reports about the latest WikiLeaks revelations. It is the latest in a series of annual polls conducted by Zogby International in conjunction with the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institute and published in August 2010. There can hardly be a Western outlet that has NOT reported the covert urgings of Arab governments for the US/Israel to attack Iran, because of course it accords nicely with our ‘Official Narrative’ of Iran ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 12:15 pm


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Nov 192010

Tamil Satire – Global sentiment: Bin Laden is paid to be an enemy … God Save us from American Peace and Liberty” Home made prison with colour TV And all sung and danced to a Tamil beat and choreography. Hat-Tip Aangirfan

 Posted by at 9:07 am
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