May 132011

M.K.Bhadrakumar Asia Times 10th May, 2011 Consultations by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Moscow at the weekend were expected to prepare the ground for the visit by President Hu Jintao to Russia next month. In the event, however, they assumed a character of immense significance to international security. Sustained Russian-Chinese efforts to “coordinate” their stance on regional and international issues have been taken to a qualitatively new level with regard to the developing Middle East situation. The official Russian news agency used an unusual expression – “tight cooperation” – to characterize the new template to which their coordination of regional policies had been taken. ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 8:40 am
May 062011

By Aleksey Pushkov – Russia Today Amid the flurry of comments on the operation that killed the world’s No. 1 terrorist Osama bin Laden, the war in Libya cannot boast of any achievements of similar proportions and is clearly taking longer than expected. Thus, it is no wonder that the killing of Muammar Gaddafi, another “enemy of the civilized world,” is on the agenda today. Evidently, when Barack Obama said that Gaddafi must go, he expected that the latter would obsequiously follow his order. But no such luck. “The Obama administration imagined that a taste of the lash would put Gaddafi in his place,” writes ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 1:05 pm
May 042011
Gratitude & Special Thanks to Torture & Black Sites

Round Two in Bin Laden Death Publicity by Sibel Edmonds – Boiling Frogs The media spent the first two days of Bin Laden’s Death hailing and saluting the greatness of the Obama presidency. Bit by bit the White House PR script writers fed them Tom Clancy inspired bylines, each new bit more glorified than the previous one. Hollywood must be working on movies as I’m typing this post. Do they have to get any specific rights for this particular manuscript? Or is it considered free for all public info? Anyhow, now we are entering Chapter Two, Set Two, or Stage Two. Time to shine the ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 1:20 pm
May 042011

from State of the Union by Linh Dinh Since September 11, 2001, Bin Laden had been mostly an absence. His few video or audio tapes were highly suspect, and speculations about his death had often surfaced. On July 11, 2002, Amir Taheri wrote in the New York Times, “Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan […] With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 11:19 am
May 032011
Bin Laden Hoax to Expand War

Globalist think-tanks are already building a case against Pakistan By Tony Cartalucci Foundation for the Defense of Democracy (FDD) scribe and all around intellectually dishonest propagandist, Bill Roggio of the “Long War Journal,” has dedicated his life to perpetuating the entirely fake “War on Terror,” abandoning all objectivity with the very name of his now officially government funded, Neo-Conservative establishment affiliated blog. The term “Long War” of course is a throwback to the Bush era and constant reassurances by the president that indeed the “War on Terror” will be endless. FDD and their doppelganger organization Foreign Policy Initiative – essentially the reincarnation of the Project ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 10:58 am

Dead Man Rising

 al Qaeda, USA  Comments Off
May 032011
Dead Man Rising

This is from Linh Dinh’s ‘State of the Union’ blog. Linh is a US resident Vietnamese ex patriot commenting on life in Philadelphia by way, mainly, of street-scene photo-journalism. He manages to capture the essence of a decaying hopelessness interspersed with jingoistic evocations of patriotic America – per the sad and slightly absurd but very real and not untypical image below. The following is is one of his occasional but always perceptive off-the-cuff reactions to current events: Upon hearing that Bin Laden has been officially pronounced dead, I thought: Since this man has been dead for nearly a decade, the US killed a look-alike Maybe ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:35 am

Libya: The Bizarro War

 Libya  Comments Off
May 032011
Libya: The Bizarro War

We’re killing civilians in order to save them By Justin Raimondo – Flying unopposed over Libyan airspace, NATO’s fighter planes bombed the residence of the Gadhafi family, killing his youngest son and three grandchildren. What a glorious victory for the defenders of innocent civilians! The NATO-crats, of course, deny targeting either Gadhafi or his family members: those much-touted high-tech weapons, with their “precision” targeting capabilities, seem to have had a very convenient breakdown. But at least one Republican Senator wasn’t fooled. Lindsey Graham had this to say: I support what NATO did. I thought this was a good use of the mandate. This is ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:03 am
May 022011

By Johnathan Cook Richard Goldstone, the international jurist whose now-notorious report on Gaza tarred the Israeli army with war crimes, backtracked unexpectedly and very publicly on 2 April in the pages of the Washington Post. For 18 months Goldstone had suffered a campaign of character assassination by Israel and its supporters as they sought to discredit his United Nations investigation into Israel’s attack on Gaza in winter 2008-09. Goldstone, a South Africa judge who made his name undermining the legal foundations of apartheid rule and later prosecuting war criminals from Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, was quickly cast as the self-hating Jew who had helped ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:10 pm
May 022011

Priceless stuff from Jim Kunstler: I didn’t intend to write about Bin Laden this morning, but rather the nutrient medium of untruth that has come to surround all the tissue of everyday life in the USA. Until the Bin Laden operation went down Sunday, the big news of the week was the release of President Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate. Mark these words: within about three hours, the “Birther” faction around America will be asking for Osama Bin Laden’s driver’s license. What I’d like to know is how come he was “buried at sea,” when the operation took place at least a thousand miles from the ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 2:01 pm
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