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May 022011

By Felicity Arbuthnot – Global Research “And you all also may remember that early on, I said if you hide a terrorist, if you feed a terrorist, if you provide comfort to a terrorist, you’re just as guilty as the terrorist. “ George W. Bush. (Address to US., troops, Alaska, 16th February 2002.) Given the ferocity of the attack on Libya, the country Tony Blair credited himself with bringing in from the cold and turning in to a new trading partner, Colonel Qadhafi, has been remarkably conciliatory. On 5th., April he wrote to President Obama, more in sorrow than in anger.(i) The irony of a ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 1:25 pm
May 022011
Osama Bin Laden: Not an Issue

Globalists cartoonishly pull rabbit from hat in desperate act of misdirection. by Tony Cartalucci – The Land Destroyer Report We were knowingly told verified lies to invade and occupy Iraq. We were lied to entirely about the “spontaneous” “Arab Spring” later admitted to by the US State Department as a preplanned operation years in the making. We were knowingly told verified lies regarding Libya to engage in military operations in North Africa and we are currently being told verified lies about US-fueled uprisings in Syria. Now we are told the notoriously deceptive CIA has “killed” “Osama Bin Laden” in Pakistan. This is the same CIA ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:45 am
May 012011

The mission was to kill Gadhafi (to protect civilians naturally). They missed him and killed one of his sons and three of his grandchildren instead. So – the UK/US/NATO death toll tally on Gadhafi’s family from bombing to date: One adopted daughter back in 1986 One son Three grandchildren BUT – repeat after me: This is not terrorism…. This is not terrorism…. This is not terrorism…. This is not terrorism…. This is not terrorism…. In NATO-speak it’s unfortunate ‘Collateral damage‘ which translated means something like: We didn’t mean to kill them honest injun -  but children really ought to know better than to stay close ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 4:32 pm
May 012011
Analysis of Syrian protest movement and its historical context

Hat tip to Steven Gowans Here’s Mazda Majidi, always worth reading, on Syria. A refreshing alternative to Gilbert Achcar and the infinitely gullible/credulous Establishment sections of the Western liberal Left: The revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia have thrown into question all established authorities in the Arab world and unleashed political forces everywhere that see this as a golden opportunity to make their bid for power. This does not mean each one of these forces is progressive. It is not possible at this point to weigh the relative strength, or politically characterize, all the various trends within the Syrian opposition movement. The current protest movement appears ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:46 am
May 012011
These monstrously immoral crimes cry out for justice

From Danger Room Writing in the online journal PLoS Medicine, Physicians for Human Rights senior medical adviser Vincent Iacopino and retired Brig. Gen. Stephen Xenakis, a psychiatrist now in private practice, found that medical personnel at Guantanamo concealed mental and physical ailments that signaled abusive treatment. The report — which represents the first independent review of any Guantanamo detainee’s medical record — is the clearest evidence yet that members of the base’s medical staff were complicit in the torture regime there. “Medics have an independent, professional responsibility to identify and report incidences of cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture,” Xenakis tells Danger Room. “They ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:13 am
May 012011
Panic from Congress and Aipac?

Netanyahu, the conferees were told, wants Congress to flex its muscle with the White House and deliver a strong message to President Obama that his political future is tied to Israel’s. By Franklin Lamb Hat-tip to My Catbird Seat On April 13, 2011, more than a dozen Israel “First, last and always” US congressional leaders from both houses of Congress held an urgent conference call organized by the pro-Israel Lobby, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac).  Their purpose was to discuss how best to promote Israel during next month’s US visit by Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and more importantly how to confront the rapidly changing ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 5:55 am
Apr 282011
Who's Who at The Royal Wedding

“Out beyond ideas of right thinking and wrong thinking, there is a field, I’ll meet you there.” Rumi (1207-1273.) The Survivable, the Bad and the Over the Top The wedding of the heir to the British throne, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, to his lady friend of eight years Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (“Kate”) promises to be a modest affair, in these austere times, with nineteen hundred guests, a near unprecedented police presence, possibly a thousand members of the armed forces lining the route the couple will take to the ceremony, in the nine hundred years old, Westminster Abbey, on 29th April. Beneath streets ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 11:49 am
Apr 282011
NATO’s Kosovo Air War Redux

By Stephen Gowans NATO’s military intervention in Libya began as an enforcement of a no-fly zone to protect civilians but has quickly morphed into an attack on civilian targets to undermine the morale of Gaddafi loyalists in order to turn them against the country’s leader. NATO has struck Gaddafi’s residence repeatedly, and in recent days attacked a TV broadcast center. If it sounds like a rerun of NATO’s 1999 air war on Yugoslavia, when NATO showered bombs on civilian targets in order to “protect” civilians, that’s because NATO has dusted off an old script. The campaign over Libya, according to senior US officers, draws on ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 6:38 am
Apr 272011

Wikispooks introduction Transcript of a Press TV interview with Dr Paul Craig Roberts on 25 April 2011. A video of the interview which also includes contributions from Chip Pitts is available on the press TV site here. It is well worth watching for the extended footage of Nato air-strikes devastation in Tripoli and Gaddafi’s many meetings, greetings and hugs with the Western World’s statesmen who just a few months later are waging war on him – most notably Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi The two most persuasive theses presented by Craig-Roberts concern US/NATO determinations to: Evict Russia from its Mediterranean Naval base in Syria Deny/control Chinese access ……. [Full Post]

 Posted by at 9:59 am
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